Conduct in the Libraries

Twin Cities Library

Food & Beverages

Students need to eat, which is why we encourage the consumption of snack food and beverages in containers with secure lids or caps. In the event that a spill occurs, please report it immediately to the library staff. Library staff members reserve the right to ask users to take food and drink outside the library.

Children in the Library

Twin Cities Library is committed to providing an environment conducive to academic research and study. Our space is primarily intended for the Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota community.

Children of Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota community members—faculty, staff, and students—are welcome here. However, while they are in the Library, an adult must accompany children under age 16 at all times, and children may not use Twin Cities Library computers. Children who are left unattended, or who intentionally or unintentionally disrupt others’ work, will be asked to leave the Library.

Winona Library

Group Study Room Policies

The Winona Library provides group study rooms to currently enrolled Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota students, faculty and staff. The main purpose of these rooms is to provide space for students to engage in collaborative study in small groups.

  • Group Study Rooms are available for booking by students through the library online room booking system. These include McEnery Rooms 237-240, Library Upper Level #201 & #203, Library Main Level  #117 & #119, and Library Lower Level  #11 & #13.
  • These rooms are locked.  At the time of your reservation please ask for the key at the Circulation Desk. Your Student ID will be required.
  • Group Study Rooms are not to be used for Campus or Activity meetings after 3 p.m. Please use other classroom areas on campus (available for reservation in Astra Scheduling system) for these meetings.
  • If a room is discovered unoccupied for more than 15 minutes, all belongings will be placed behind the library’s Circulation Desk.
  • Library conduct applies to the Group Study Rooms just as it does for the rest of the building.
  • Belongings should not be left unattended in the Group Study Rooms. The library is not responsible for loss, theft, or damage of personal property.
  • Library staff routinely monitors all Group Study Rooms. The Library reserves the right to enter a Group Study Room at any time.
  • Faculty wishing to use Group Study Rooms (McEnery 237-240) for their classes during the daytime should use the online Astra Room Scheduling system. These reservation requests will be approved by the library director.
  • Individuals always have access to study carrels on the perimeters of all floors.

As with many things in our library building, policy about use of the group study rooms is subject to change based on experience and need. We welcome your comments about this policy or anything else about the building:

Last Updated: 12/7/24

Noise Level Zones

Main Level: Social Area

Please adhere to the following policies when studying on the main level:

  • Collaboration
  • Group Study
  • Patrons should keep in mind that they are in a library and conversation and noise should be kept at a reasonable level so as not to disturb others
Lower Level: Quiet Area

Please adhere to the following policies when studying on the lower level:

  • Individual study
  • No conversation
  • Quiet group study only in group study rooms and classrooms. Please keep doors shut
  • Please use headphones. Music must not be loud enough to disturb others
Cell Phones
  • Please turn your cell phone ringer off when entering the library
  • Brief cell phone conversations (at low volume) are permitted in the entrance of the library, but it is suggested that calls be taken outside when possible

Please report any disturbances to the Circulation Desk (1561) or the Research Desk (1562). If you have any questions or concerns about the library’s noise policy, please contact

Last Updated: 12/7/24

Food & Drink

Food and drink is allowed in the library. Please use caution with beverages when working at computer stations. Your courteous behavior will enable the library to keep this friendly policy in place. Note: there is a microwave in the lower level of McEnery for your convenience.

Mobility Devices

Bicycles, skateboards, scooters, inline skates, roller skates, or hoverboards are not allowed to be used inside the Library building. These are a safety hazard and property damage or personal injury could be created by their use. Exceptions are made for strollers and mobility devices used by persons with disabilities.