Psychological Tests

Search Saint Mary's Psychological Test Collection

Descriptions of Tests

Psychological Tests at Saint Mary’s
Browse an alphabetical list of the psychological tests that are available on-campus at Minneapolis Library.


Include Reliability and Validity Information

Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print
Mental Measurements Yearbook provides users with reviews on current, commercial assessment tests. This database is good for students who want to evaluate testing products for education, marriage and family therapy, and psychology. Tests in Print is an index for tests that are currently in print. This index provides reviews and information about each test that will help users make educated decisions regarding test quality and validity.

Buros Institute of Mental Measurements Test Reviews Online
Buros Institute of Mental Measurements Test Reviews Online is a great source for finding citations for reviews of psychological tests. Buros contains information regarding 3,000 tests. Note: Reviews are not immediately available and may have viewing costs. Buros also does not contain the actual tests.

PsycINFO has limiters for Tests & Measures. This will limit your search to articles that use a specific test or a review of a test. You can also search for a test by a keyword. To find a complete test: Start by entering the term “appended” in the Tests & Measures search box. Once you have your results, add keywords in the next search box, e.g. depression.


PsycTESTS provides access to published and unpublished psychological tests, measures, scales, and surveys, as well as descriptive information about the resources including their development, reliability and validity, and administration.

Tutorials: How to Search (PDF)


User Loan Period Max Items
Students 7 days 5 tests
Faculty 7 days Unlimited

Psychological tests may be checked out only by students enrolled in specific courses. Students enrolled in some PY and MFT courses and PsyD students may checkout tests labeled PY and MFT. Students in the Doctor of Education in Leadership program may checkout tests labeled EDD.

How to Cite & Find Tests

Cite Test Reviews
Use the Writing Center’s guide to citing test reviews accessed through the Mental Measurements Yearbook database.

Find and Evaluate Test Development Manuals
Learn how to access test development manuals.