Winona Study Spaces
Occupying three floors, the Winona Library provides a variety of spaces for study, research, and collaborative work. You’ll find PC and Mac stations, study carrels, large group tables, and soft seating throughout the building. Find the space that works for you!
Group Study Areas
Reference Room
The main level of the library features comfy chairs, long tables near power outlets, and computers in the main area and in Gremelsbach Lab.
McEnery Lounge
Located on the first floor, the Lounge is a welcoming, collaborative environment with ample space for individual and group study activities.
Group Study Rooms
We have numerous study rooms that you can reserve for group study.
Library Classrooms
Students can use the McEnery classrooms 33 and 39 on the lower level of the library whenever classes are not in session. Faculty may reserve these spaces by contacting
Quiet Study Areas
Upper McEnery Study Area
Enjoy the view in comfy chairs, study at tables, or use the PCs (2) and printer.
Lower McEnery Lab
“The Pit” contains 4 Mac computers, a printer, and a scanner as well as study tables.
Study Carrels
Need to get away from it all to really concentrate? The library offers study carrels on all floors of the library.