Streaming Videos
The Libraries provide access to a large and increasing number of streaming video titles, including contemporary and classic feature films, award-winning documentaries, instructional videos, news broadcasts, and presentations. These videos are available through the following databases:
Business & Economics Videos
This database by Films on Demand offers streaming full-length videos and video clips on the subjects of business, economics, finance, management, marketing, and more.
This curated selection of 50 streaming videos explores contemporary and classic topics in psychotherapy. Videos feature counseling sessions and reenactments, various techniques and treatment approaches, and navigating professional dilemmas.
APA’s streaming video platform provides clinicians, counselors, instructors, and trainees the opportunity to sharpen their skills by observing candid, unscripted psychotherapy sessions featuring renowned therapists. This proven training method is an invaluable tool for learning and remaining abreast of the latest psychotherapy techniques.
DVDs from Other Libraries
Libraries Worldwide
Search WorldCat to find DVDs owned by libraries worldwide. DVDs may be ordered through interlibrary loan and mailed to your home for free.